Learn to dive with us
We welcome all ages to the club; our members range from twelve to eighty-two year old scuba divers. If you have a physical disability then provided you can pass the BSAC fit-to-dive medical we will endeavour to find a way to introduce you to diving.
Our BSAC training programme ensures that all qualifications gained through the club are internationally recognised.
Our BSAC training programme ensures that all qualifications gained through the club are internationally recognised. We are virtually self-reliant in the training, diving and skills development which we can offer via our club facilities; a Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat (RHIB), a compressor for free air and nitrox cylinder filling and for those qualified to use it also trimix filling, plus a wide array of scuba equipment available for loan to members.
Free Training
Potteries Divers offers training to members free of charge with the exception of:
the purchase of written training materials
after initial free training in the swimming pool, the entry fee to training quarries
the costs of personal needs such as travel, meals and, just occasionally, accommodation.