Our club

About Potteries Divers
Our BSAC training programme ensures that all qualifications gained through the club are internationally recognised. We are virtually self-reliant in the training, diving and skills development which we can offer via our club facilities; a Rigid-Hulled Inflatable Boat (RHIB), a compressor for free air and nitrox cylinder filling and for those qualified to use it also trimix filling, plus a wide array of scuba equipment available for loan to members.
The Michelin Athletic Club Trent Vale, Staffordshire doubles up as our clubhouse and we follow the pool session with a social gathering in the lounge bar each week. This is a great opportunity for a post-training de-briefing; planning our next dive trip; discussing diving kit and experiences; or just a general chat with friends.
Our Committee holds monthly meetings at a local pub on the second Tuesday of the month, with the Annual General Meeting held each February. The AGM enables club members to review the previous years activities; plan for the coming year; and elect the Committee Officers.